About KVKK
Bozada Publishing Company ("Company") places utmost importance on the security of your personal data. With this awareness, we process and preserve all kinds of personal data belonging to individuals associated with the Company, including those benefiting from our services, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("PDPL").
The security of your personal data is of great importance to us, and your personal data will be processed in compliance with the PDPL, stored securely, and retained for the period required by legal obligations.
1-) Data Controller and Representative Your personal data is processed by Bozada Publishing, the data controller, in the ways specified below in accordance with the requirements of current technology.
2-) Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data Your collected personal data may be processed for the performance of obligations of individuals and legal entities in a business relationship with our company, informing about updates, establishing and performing contracts with you, reminding and fulfilling legal obligations, conducting various advertising and marketing activities, obtaining your opinion through surveys and polls, determining suitable products, projects, and services for you, making them personalized and improving them, providing effective customer service, notifying you of changes in legislation or company policies relevant to you, or making other notifications relevant to you through email, SMS, and fax, sending printed bulletins, magazines, articles related to campaigns, determining visitor profiles, evaluating requests, complaints, and feedback, executing our company's human resources policies, and answering your requests and questions in accordance with the processing conditions and purposes of personal data specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698.
3-) Recipients and Purposes of Transferring Processed Personal Data Your collected personal data is processed in accordance with the principles of legality, honesty, accuracy, relevance, limited, and proportionate to the purposes for which they are processed, and is stored for the period prescribed by the relevant legislation. Additionally, personal data may be transferred to domestic/foreign/international public/private institutions and organizations, companies, and other third parties or organizations, solution partners, and other authorized institutions and organizations, suppliers, or subcontractors with whom our company receives services/support/consultancy or collaborates or is a domestic/foreign/international, public/private partner in projects/programs/financing, through channels such as our call center, travel agencies we work with, our website, and social media pages, or any other channels; and your personal and/or special personal data may be obtained, recorded, stored, modified, updated, periodically checked, rearranged, classified, processed for the purpose for which they are processed or for the duration prescribed by the relevant law, shared with public institutions and organizations with which our COMPANY cooperates or is legally obliged to cooperate, and/or with third parties, individuals/entities residing in Turkey or abroad.
Processing of Sensitive Personal Data According to the PDPL, individuals' race, ethnicity, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance, dress, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction, and data related to security measures, as well as biometric and genetic data, are considered sensitive personal data. The COMPANY takes additional measures as required by the Personal Data Protection Board in the processing of sensitive personal data. The COMPANY will process individuals' sensitive data only with their consent and solely for the purpose of serving the collection purpose.
4-) Your Rights as a Data Subject As data subjects, you can submit your requests regarding your rights to our Company through the methods specified below, and our Company will respond to your request as soon as possible and at the latest within thirty days free of charge. However, if a fee is stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Board, the fee specified by our Company will be charged. In this context, data subjects have the right to:
- Learn whether personal data is processed,
- Request information if personal data has been processed,
- Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
- Know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
- Request the correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrect and request the notification of the correction to third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
- Request the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring its processing cease to exist, despite being processed in accordance with the PDPL and other relevant laws, and request the notification of this deletion or destruction to third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,
- Object to the occurrence of a result against the individual by analyzing the processed data solely through automated systems,
- Request compensation in case of damages due to the unlawful processing of personal data.
In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 1 of the PDPL, you can submit your requests regarding the use of your rights by contacting our Company in writing. You can fill out the form on www.kucukoteller.com.tr, which includes explanations about your requested rights specified in Article 11 of the PDPL, and submit the wet-signed copy of the form to the address "Konaklar Mah. Akçam Cad. 9/1, 4. Levent/Beşiktaş/Istanbul" with identity verification documents in person or send it by notary.
Our Company reserves the right to make changes to this information notification due to possible changes in the PDPL and methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. To contact the data controller and request the application form, please email [email protected].