Çamkar Hotel Sarıkamış
For minimum stays of 3 nights or more, prices include airport-hotel and hotel-airport transfers. In order for the guest to benefit from the free transfer, the guest must notify [email protected] of the flight details up to 48 hours in advance. Skipass (unlimited exit) is free of charge. For minimum stays of 3 nights or more, prices include airport-hotel and hotel-airport transfers. In order for the guest to benefit from the free transfer, the guest must notify [email protected] of the flight details up to 48 hours in advance. Skipass (unlimited exit) is free of charge. For minimum stays of 3 nights or more, prices include airport-hotel and hotel-airport transfers. In order for the guest to benefit from the free transfer, the guest must notify [email protected] of the flight details up to 48 hours in advance. Skipass (unlimited exit) is free of charge.