Directions to Bandırma

If you're traveling to Bandırma from Istanbul, you can take a ferry, train, or bus.
There are regular ferry services between Istanbul and Bandırma. The journey takes around 2.5 hours and offers scenic views of the Marmara Sea. You can catch the ferry from Istanbul's Yenikapı or Kabataş ferry terminals.
There is also a train service from Istanbul's Haydarpaşa Station to Bandırma. The journey takes around 4 hours and offers a comfortable and scenic route along the coast of the Sea of Marmara.
If you prefer to travel by bus, there are several companies that offer services from Istanbul's Esenler or Büyük Otogar bus stations to Bandırma. The journey takes around 3.5-4 hours, depending on traffic.
If you are traveling from other parts of Turkey, there may be direct bus services available to Bandırma from nearby cities. You can check with local bus companies or online travel websites to find the best options for your route.

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