Directions to Polonezkoy

Polonezkoy is a village located in the Asian part of Istanbul, Turkey. Here are the directions to reach Polonezkoy from the city center of Istanbul:
By Car: Polonezkoy is located about 40 km (25 miles) east of the city center of Istanbul. You can take the E80 highway (also known as the TEM motorway) towards the Asian side of Istanbul, and then take the exit for Şile. Follow the signs for Şile and then for Polonezköy.
By Public Transport: You can take a bus from the city center of Istanbul to Polonezkoy. The easiest way is to take a bus from Üsküdar, a district on the Asian side of Istanbul. You can take a ferry from Eminönü to Üsküdar and then take a bus from the Üsküdar bus station to Polonezköy. The bus ride takes about an hour and a half.
By Taxi: You can also take a taxi from the city center of Istanbul to Polonezkoy. However, taxis can be quite expensive, so it's recommended to negotiate the fare with the driver before starting the journey.
Overall, Polonezkoy is a beautiful and peaceful village surrounded by nature, and it's worth the visit if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city center of Istanbul.

Park Polonezköy Hotel

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