Directions to Yalıçiftlik

Yalıçiftlik is a popular tourist destination located in Turkey. Here are the directions to Yalıçiftlik from Bodrum, the closest major city:
    If you are starting from Bodrum, head east on Bodrum Milas Havaalanı Yolu/D330 road.
    After driving for about 14 km, turn right onto Milas-Bodrum Yolu/D330.
    Follow D330 for about 8 km and then take the exit toward Yalıçiftlik.
    Merge onto Yalıçiftlik Cd. and follow this road for about 6 km until you reach Yalıçiftlik.
Note: If you are coming from the Milas-Bodrum Airport, head west on Bodrum Milas Havaalanı Yolu/D330 and follow the same directions mentioned above from step 2.

Ipek Garden Residence

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