Directions to Ankara

You can reach Ankara from anywhere in our country, whether by road, by air, or by rail. For those who want to come to Ankara by bus, there are bus services to the capital from almost every part of our country. The closest option for those who want to reach by air is Esenboğa Airport. The distance from the airport to the city center is approximately half an hour. For those who prefer the railway, there is a railway connection to Ankara from many cities in the east.

If you want to come with your own vehicle, here are some road information for you:

• The distance between Istanbul and Ankara is approximately 450 kilometers and takes 5 hours and 40 minutes.

• The distance between İzmir and Ankara is approximately 585 kilometers and takes 8 hours and 15 minutes.

• It takes approximately 480 kilometers and 6 hours between Adana and Ankara.

• It takes approximately 385 kilometers and 5 hours between Bursa and Ankara.

• It takes approximately 320 kilometers and 4 and a half hours between Kayseri and Ankara.