Directions to Bafa Lake

Bafa Lake is located in the southwestern part of Turkey, near the town of Aydın. Here are the directions to Bafa Lake from Aydın:

From Aydın, head south on the D320 highway towards Söke.
After about 20 km, turn right onto the D525 highway towards Milas and Bodrum.
Continue on the D525 highway for about 15 km, then turn left towards the town of Bafa.
Follow the signs to Bafa Lake, which is about 10 km from the town of Bafa.
Alternatively, if you are coming from the Bodrum area, you can take the D525 highway north towards Aydın, and then turn right towards the town of Bafa. From there, follow the signs to Bafa Lake.

It's always a good idea to have a map or GPS system to help you navigate the roads, especially if you're not familiar with the area.