Directions to Bartin
There are regular bus services to the center of Bartın from almost every city of our country every day. In addition, since Bartın is located on the Black Sea coast, there is also a port here. You can also reach Bartın from here. Also, Amasra and Kuruçeşme ports are national ports. By air, there is Saltukova Zonguldak Airport, which is approximately 40 km away from Bartın. Istanbul Bartin is 440 km, Bursa 450 km, Ankara 290 km, Izmir is approximately 790 km. It is approximately 850 kilometers in Trabzon.
Kaf Konak Hotel and Restaurant, Bartin Small & Boutique Hotels
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Sardinia Otel, Amasra Bartın Small & Boutique Hotels
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