Directions to Edirne
Today, it is quite easy to reach Edirne from almost every city, especially from the Marmara Region. For those who want to come by bus, there are bus services from many metropolitan cities to Edirne every day.
For those who want to come by their own vehicle, here is some road information:
- Tekirdag - Edirne is approximately 142 kilometers and takes 1 hour 45 minutes.
- Istanbul - Edirne is approximately 240 kilometers and takes 2 and a half hours.
- Ankara - Edirne is approximately 690 kilometers and takes 6 hours 40 minutes.
- Bursa - Edirne is approximately 470 kilometers and takes 5 hours.
- Izmir to Edirne is approximately 800 kilometers and takes 8 hours 50 minutes.