Directions to Bozburun
Bozburun is a small town located in the Marmaris district in Muğla, Turkey. Here are the directions to Bozburun from Marmaris:
By Car: Bozburun is approximately 45 km away from Marmaris. You can take the D400 highway heading south from Marmaris towards Bozburun. The drive should take around 1 hour.
By Bus: There are regular bus services from Marmaris to Bozburun. The journey takes about 1.5 hours and the bus ticket price varies depending on the time of day and season.
By Private Transfer: You can also arrange a private transfer or taxi from Marmaris to Bozburun, which can be more comfortable and convenient, but also more expensive.
Note: It's important to plan your travel and check current transportation schedules before your trip.