Directions to Ordu
It is possible to reach Ordu both by road and by air. If you want to come by bus, you can find bus services from almost every city to Ordu. For those who prefer the airline, the closest airports are in Samsun and Trabzon. From here, you can come to Ordu center by private vehicles.
If you want to come with your own vehicle, some of our road information is as follows:
• It takes approximately 150 kilometers and 2 hours between Samsun and Ordu.
• It takes approximately 180 kilometers and 2 and a half hours between Trabzon and Ordu.
• The distance between Ankara and Ordu is approximately 565 kilometers and takes 7 hours and 15 minutes.
• The distance between Istanbul and Ordu is approximately 890 kilometers and takes 10 hours.
• The distance between Bursa and Ordu is approximately 900 kilometers and takes 10 hours.