Directions to Ortahisar
From the city of Nevsehir:
Head east on the D260 highway towards the town of Ortahisar.
After about 6 km, turn left onto the road signposted for Ortahisar and Urgup.
Follow this road for about 3.5 km until you reach the center of Ortahisar.
From the city of Goreme:
Head south on the D302 highway towards the town of Ortahisar.
After about 4 km, turn right onto the road signposted for Ortahisar.
Follow this road for about 3 km until you reach the center of Ortahisar.
From the city of Urgup:
Head north on the D260 highway towards the town of Ortahisar.
After about 4 km, turn right onto the road signposted for Ortahisar and Urgup.
Follow this road for about 3.5 km until you reach the center of Ortahisar.
Ortahisar is a small town and easy to navigate. Most of the main attractions, including the Ortahisar Castle and the underground city, are located in or near the center of town.