Directions to Sanliurfa
It is possible to reach Şanlıurfa both by road and by air. If you want to reach by bus, there are bus services from many cities to Urfa. For those who want to come by air, it is possible to reach Şanlıurfa Gap Airport from many metropolitan cities.
For those who want to use the highway, some road information is as follows:
• It takes approximately 145 kilometers from Gaziantep to Şanlıurfa and takes 1 hour and 40 minutes.
• The distance between Diyarbakır and Şanlıurfa is approximately 180 kilometers and takes 2 hours and 20 minutes.
• The distance between Mardin and Şanlıurfa is approximately 190 kilometers and takes 2 hours and 20 minutes.
• The distance between Ankara and Şanlıurfa is approximately 840 kilometers and takes 8 and a half hours.