Directions to Selimiye
Selimiye is a small village located in the Marmaris district of Muğla, Turkey. Here are the general directions to get to Selimiye from Marmaris:
From Marmaris, take the D400 highway towards Datça
After driving for about 40 km, you will see a sign for Selimiye. Turn left at this sign.
Follow the road towards Selimiye. The road is winding and narrow in some places, so be careful while driving.
After about 10 km, you will reach Selimiye.
Note: It's always a good idea to have a GPS or a map handy to ensure that you are on the right track. Additionally, road conditions may vary, so it's important to be cautious while driving.
Elia Selimiye, Marmaris Selimiye Muğla Small & Boutique Hotels
A peaceful environment under olive trees.
Big Poseidon Hotel, Marmaris Selimiye Muğla Small & Boutique Hotels
Getting the best price
Fi Light Solto Beach Hotel, Marmaris Selimiye Muğla Small & Boutique Hotels
Getting the best price
Naxos Beach Hotel, Marmaris Selimiye Muğla Small & Boutique Hotels
Getting the best price
Palmetto Resort Hotel, Selimiye Marmaris Small & Boutique Hotels
Getting the best price
Losta Sahil Evi - 2, Selimiye Marmaris | Small & Boutique Hotels
In a secret place by the beach in Selimiye...
Luna Begonvil Taş Evler, Selimiye Marmaris | Small & Boutique Hotels
A characteristic hotel with pool in the center of Selimiye, suitable for families.