Small & Boutique Hotels in Sinop


Sinop is a city located in the central part of the Black Sea region, essentially in the middle of the northern part of our country. Its population is generally sparse, but with the influx of tourists during the summer months, from June to October, it experiences a higher density compared to other months.

The northernmost point of both the Black Sea region and Anatolia, İnceburun, is located in Sinop. It boasts the distinction of being the only natural harbor in our country. Renowned for its tranquility and serenity, Sinop is often associated with Diogenes, as it is believed to be his birthplace. Diogenes, a famous philosopher, is attributed with the saying "I beg you, do not disturb my shadow," and it is known that he lived in Sinop.


One lesser-known but unique feature specific to Sinop, and few other places in our country, is its designation as a Cittaslow city. Cittaslow translates to "Slow City," and to qualify for this designation, nearly 70 criteria must be met. The charming district of Gerze in Sinop has been awarded this title. Despite ranking low in terms of both area and population, Sinop is not lacking in places to visit. On the contrary, it is a quaint and beautiful city with a tranquil identity. One of its most notable features is that Sinop has been recognized as the happiest city in our country according to reports. With no traffic lights in the city center, there is essentially no traffic; you can freely roam its streets and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere.