Things to do in Ordu
When you come to Ordu, you can visit the historical mosques, inns and baths in the center. You can visit Ordu Museum and Ethnography Museum, Paşaoğlu Mansion and Taşbaşı Cultural Center. You can visit places such as Ünye Castle and Gölköy Castle in Ordu. You can visit historical structures such as the Board Rock Settlement and the Old Prison. You can enjoy the sea and the sun on the beaches of Ordu; You may be interested in water sports such as diving, rafting and canoeing. You can go hiking, have a picnic or camp in the Ordu highlands. You can go to the banks of the Melet River and have a picnic. From Boztepe, you can both watch Ordu and do paragliding. You can go to Cape Jason and watch the sunset from here. You can see Ulu Lake and Gaga Lake. You can do bird watching on Akkuş Island. You can taste the local dishes of Ordu during the day. In the evening, you can enjoy fish in a beautiful fish restaurant by the sea.
BOAT TOUR: It is not possible to go to the Aegean and Mediterranean coves of Fatsa except by boat. Set off with Hasan Kaptan's boat from YALIKOY. His phone is 05355114461.