Places to see in Ordu

When you come to Ordu, you can visit the Ordu Museum and the Ethnography Museum located in the center. You can go to Paşaoğlu Mansion and Taşbaşı Cultural Center. You can see the Board Rock Settlement or visit the Old Prison (church). You can see Cape Yason, which is a natural and archaeological site. You should see the road formed by the carving of the bedrock and the water cistern. Moreover, this place has recently attracted the attention of not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

You can go to the seaside and highlands to see the natural beauties of Ordu. You can go to Çambaşı Plateau. You can go to Turnasuyu Valley, Asarkaya National Park, Melet River bank or Hoynat Island. The Melet River is an area with magnificent natural beauties, formed by the merging of many small streams in the region. You can see the Atik İbrahim Pasha Mosque in Ordu. You can go to Sarmaşık Spa and find health. You can see Kadılar Yokuşu, which is located in the district of Ünye and is known as the place where many Ottoman kadıs grew up. You can visit Bolaman Castle, Gölköy Castle and Ünye Castle. You can visit the beaches of Ordu, which stands out with its sea tourism. You can enjoy the sea and the sun at beaches such as Mavi Dünya Beach and Efirli Beach. Climbing Boztepe, you can watch a magnificent view of Ordu at sunset.

Other Suggestions: The place you should definitely go is Aybasti Persembe Plateau. The view of the meanders is incredible. You can also stop by Çamaş Canyon on the way to the plateau.

Çiseli Waterfall, Yeşilce Town, Uzundere Waterfall, Kabakdağ Village are other places to see. If you are in the center of Ordu, make sure to go to Boztepe for an exquisite view.

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